

Do you pass the “So What” test?

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Gaming Machine AnalysisYet another gaming expo has surpassed and I am sure venues would agree that the landscape of gaming has changed dramatically over the years. The evolution of technology in gaming products has set new benchmarks with the first QLD 3D gaming machine launched by IGT, “Elvis” sparking rumours of the next big craze in gaming development.

For a while now our industry has struggled to come to terms with the evolution of technology and in particular, the question had been raised several times on “how do we attract the new generations to gaming entertainment”.
While in Sydney it was evident the latest craze from the local industry was the refinement of loyalty programs, more importantly not just loyalty, but strategic database management. We are starting to see venues spend less in the community marketing via more traditional channels such as magazines and newspapers, but instead focusing efforts through targeted direct marketing.
Getting to know our customers is critical and with a database at our fingertips there is no better way to understand the behaviours of our patrons. It was comforting to see the QLD market is on the same track as our interstate counterparts who were always regarded as the market leaders and one step ahead. It’s fair to say the initiatives being introduced into QLD clubs are aligned with similar strategic goals and we have seen these initiatives bear excellent fruits for some of our more progressive Queensland clubs.
While all venues have access to this information, whether it be directly or through a myriad of systems and processes, it’s how the information is used and the action that is taken that is paramount. Bringing together all this information on loyalty and behaviour and understanding it from an operational perspective can be complex, however does your gaming analysis pass the “so what” test? You’ve got all this great information at your fingertips – but so what?
Using player loyalty programs as the tool, DWS has developed a reporting methodology that measures performance and highlights opportunities with real-world application. Many of the NSW venues that I visited (including casinos) are adopting this approach to their gaming management and in many cases; it has exceeded the level of reporting and success of marketing initiatives currently in place.
But we know that if we are going to look at gaming, we need to look beyond our shores. As loyalty is an ever-changing beast that requires daily attention and continued modification, as I observed on my recent visit to America for their Global Gaming Expo in Las Vegas (G2E). You can read more about my experiences in Vegas in my article Qld gaming market not so different to Vegas.

Anyone interested in discussing customer loyalty, marketing or gaming for their venue please contact Danny Nixon-Smith

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