

Being proactive & taking simple venue security measures can pay off

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Armed Hold Up in Hospitality VenuesIf you watch the news, you might notice an increase in armed hold-up incidents especially for late night hospitality providers. Facing an armed robbery is a terrifying prospect which no doubt lurks in the minds of many hospitality workers who work directly with the public.

The risk of armed robbery is no longer a distant possibility to licenced venues in south east Queensland. Recent instances of armed robbery have highlighted the far reaching effect an incident can have to a business and the community.

When compared to the potential physical, psychological and monetary effects of an armed robbery; the cost of taking proactive measures seems minor. Taking a proactive approach could:

  • Prevent an armed robbery – a prepared venue presents a less enticing victim;
  • Prepare staff – prepared staff are more confident and able to respond safely in the event of an incident;
  • Assist police to apprehend offenders; and
  • Minimise financial loss.

What proactive measures should you be putting in place?

  • Conducting a business security assessment of your premises to ensure physical measures remain sufficient and effective.
  • Ensuring cash handling and storage and workplace security procedures are up to date and relevant.
  • Putting procedures in place in case of a robbery and testing them by conducting drills similar to fire drills.
  • Conducting regular training and awareness session for staff and management.

To find out more about your security options, contact me on (07) 3878 9355 or email to discuss how we can assist your venue to be prepared.

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