

Extension of Trading Hours or Licensed Areas

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Applications to extend liquor trading hours or increase your licensed area.

Increasing your liquor licence trading hours and / or your licensed area can be very beneficial to your business. Are you best utilising the available space at your site? For example, licensees may be able to utilise areas of common land that are adjacent to your venue.

Perhaps you need to get more competitive as a liquor venue and your trading hours need to be revised against your nearby competitors or industry best practice?

Are you a Restaurant or Café operator considering trading past midnight in an endeavour to provide more options to your patrons wanting to extend their night out?  If so, are you are aware of the additional compliance implications if you trade in liquor post 12am?  If this is something you are considering, give us a call to discuss your requirements and obligations.

If you are a Liquor or Gaming venue, are you trading both areas of your business in a competitive manner?

Want some answers on the above? Talk to our liquor and gaming licensing consultants to discuss your options.

Contact us for a quote on extending your liquor or gaming trading hours or licensed areas

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