

From Scrolls to Souls: Let’s Have Some Real Conversations on Social Media

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In Club-land, where community and member relations are central, I think we can all agree that social media is a powerful tool for connecting with members. However, some Clubs still focus on surface-level metrics like likes and shares, missing out on the deeper engagement opportunities that two-way communication offers.

While likes and shares can demonstrate the reach and engagement of a post, they don’t reflect the meaningful exchanges that strengthen relationships, build trust, and sustain membership growth. To create a thriving community, venues need to harness social media as a platform for authentic dialogue. This involves moving beyond broadcasting messages and towards fostering ongoing, two-way conversations with members.

The Importance of Two-Way Communication
Two-way communication is key to community building. Members and patrons want to feel heard, valued, and part of something bigger than themselves. It’s not just about sharing content; it’s about ensuring your members can share their perspectives, participate in decisions, and engage in conversations that matter to them. This kind of relationship-centred approach helps create a sense of belonging and motivates members to stay involved and support their local Club.

By fostering two-way communication, your venue can better understand its community’s needs, receive invaluable feedback, and create a more responsive and dynamic environment. Here’s how you can transform your social media presence into a space where genuine interactions thrive.

Strategies for Encouraging Two-Way Communication

1. Ask Open-Ended Questions

To foster meaningful dialogue, avoid simple yes/no questions. Instead, ask questions that encourage members to reflect and share their thoughts in more detail. For example, if your Club has introduced a new menu item, ask, “What changes would you like to see in our restaurant?” or “What menu items do you think our members have been craving the most?”

By inviting members to share their experiences, suggestions, and stories, you’re not only collecting useful feedback but also giving your audience a voice in the direction of your venue.

2. Use Polls and Surveys

Polls and surveys can be an engaging way to gather input on a variety of topics, from event planning to member services. These tools provide valuable data and insights that can guide decision-making. For example, you could poll your members on preferred event times or ask for feedback on a recent gaming promotion.

Not only does this make your community feel valued, but it also helps ensure that the activities and initiatives you implement are noticed and appreciated.

3. Host Live Q&A Sessions

Live Q&A sessions can bring your members and leadership closer together. By offering a direct line to venue representatives, these sessions can help break down barriers and foster transparency. Members can ask questions in real-time and receive immediate responses. Whether you’re discussing upcoming events or explaining new membership benefits, live Q&As can build trust and engagement.
These sessions can also become content in their own right, creating a positive feedback loop where members feel involved, valued, and excited to participate in future activities.

4. Respond to Comments

Thoughtfully Engagement doesn’t end once a post is live. Every comment, suggestion, or question from your audience is an opportunity to build rapport. Responding promptly and thoughtfully shows that your venue is listening and values member input. Whether it’s a question, a critique, or praise, thoughtful responses can transform a casual interaction into a meaningful exchange.
This also signals to other members that your venue is attentive and responsive, encouraging even more participation and open dialogue.

5. Start Conversations with Engaging Content Initiating conversations around relevant, thought-provoking topics can be a powerful way to engage your community. Share stories that resonate with your members, such as personal accounts from volunteers or success stories from venue events. Ask questions that spark discussion: “How can we better serve our local community?”

These prompts not only inspire interaction but also invite members to share their experiences and ideas, helping create a stronger sense of community and shared purpose.

6. Leverage Social Media Listening Tools

Social listening tools allow you to monitor conversations around your venue and its activities, helping you stay informed about member sentiments and trending topics. By identifying what your community is talking about, you can tailor your content to address their concerns and interests.

This proactive approach shows that your venue is in tune with its members’ priorities and willing to adapt based on feedback, which can deepen engagement and satisfaction.

7. Foster a Strong Community Culture Ultimately, your social media platforms should reflect the values of your Club and foster a welcoming atmosphere where members feel comfortable sharing and engaging. Encourage members to interact not just with the venue but also with each other. Highlight member contributions, celebrate milestones, and provide spaces for peer-to-peer support.

A strong community culture will organically lead to more engagement, as members feel they are part of a community that listens, cares, and values their input. 

In today’s digital landscape, it’s easy to get caught up in the pursuit of likes and shares. But for Clubs, the true value of social media lies in its potential to create meaningful, lasting connections with members. By prioritising two-way communication, your venue can build a vibrant online community that not only supports your mission but also helps shape it.

So, go beyond the metrics and embrace social media as a platform for genuine connection. The benefits to your venue’s community and impact will be profound.

If you are interested in leveraging the power of social media to drive your Club’s success, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Social Media Advisor, Lauren Neilson, for more information on what professional social media management can do for your venue!

About the Author

Meet DWS’ Social Media Advisor, Lauren Neilson! Lauren holds a wealth of knowledge and experience in the marketing and hospitality industry, qualifications in business and integrated marketing communications; as well as established partnerships with leading social media, web development, inbound marketing, and search platforms, like Meta (Facebook and Instagram), LinkedIn, Twitter, HubSpot, Google, WordPress and Microsoft.


From whole of ecosystem digital audits, database management, search engine optimisation, and digital marketing strategy development, through to web development, social media scheduling and digital advertising, Lauren has been strategically advising and managing digital marketing for over 20 years, delivering cutting edge knowledge, high level support and actionable strategies that can take any business to the next level in the digital space.

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