

Is your venue steering into dangerous territory?

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Workplace Health and Safety compliance is a confusing and risky journey for most.  Going in blind is never a good idea and ‘I didn’t know’ is unfortunately not a defense in a court of law.

Having the right people with the skills and knowledge to manage your organisation’s Workplace Health and Safety obligations is essential. If you don’t, the best case scenario is nothing goes wrong and nobody notices that you are not complying.  The worst case scenario could mean somebody gets hurt, resulting in large fines, loss of public confidence and personal liability of the directors/board members (officers).

Having one or more of your team trained in a nationally accredited work health and safety qualification, such as a Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety, is the first step to make sure you are headed in the right direction.  Work Health and Safety Queensland identifies retaining a trained safety advisor as a good way to “assist an officer to satisfy their due diligence obligations”.

The Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety enables trainees to:

  • Help to demonstrate that the due diligence requirements of officers are being met;
  • Address WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice requirements within the workplace;
  • Establish, implement and monitor systems to ensure compliance;
  • Identify hazards, and assess and control risks; and
  • Contribute to participative and consultative procedures for the management of WHS.

Make 2014 the year to be proactive about Workplace Health and Safety and protect both yourself and your venue now and into the future.

For more information on Work Health and Safety contact Melannie Warren on 0487 765 499 or email

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