

Secret Shopper

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Some customers keep returning time and time again while for others it is an annual visit. Customer loyalty can be fickle and subjective, one bad experience can hamper whole impressions. It can take years to develop a loyal customer and only seconds to lose one. DWS have developed a comprehensive secret shopper program with the following features:

  • Hospitality specialists visit or phone venues posing as a customer. This could include one visit by a shopper, to a number of different shoppers visiting your premises over a few weeks on specific days and times as required.
  • On the spot information is captured using a tailored iPhone application so that no detail is missed or forgotten.
  • A full evaluation is completed including the names of staff to provide you with an insight into the service, standards and environment your customers are experiencing in your venue.
  • DWS maintain a database of current results which allows us to create a benchmark so that results can be compared against other local competitors.
  • The program is fast and current with the shop being conducted and the report delivered in a matter of days.

We can develop a tailored program to address particular areas of concern which may include testing the effectiveness of new staff training programs or staff knowledge on a newly implemented loyalty program. Alternatively a general overview shop can be conducted looking at a broader scope. Our reports are detailed providing both positive and negative feedback so that management can reward the star performers and have meaningful conversations with staff that are under-performing.

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