

6 things you need for a new Liquor Licence Application

So you need to submit a new liquor licence application qld and don't know where to start? Here are 10 things you will need to have in order to submit a new liquor licence application qld.

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So you need to submit a new liquor licence application QLD and don’t know where to start?

Below are some of the items you will need to have, in order to submit a new liquor licence application QLD:

  1. Copy of fully executed lease
  2. Certified copies of ID documents
  3. DNRM search documents
  4. ASIC documents
  5. Scale plans of layout of premises
  6. Freehold owners consent to various areas of the premises being licensed (when applicable)

Having these items will contribute to complete the correct liquor licence application forms from the Queensland Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR). The form you choose to complete depends on the type of liquor licence you require and what you need it for, – for example, a new trading site, extended liquor trading hours, special event liquor licence, etc.

We highly recommend getting advice prior to submitting these forms as submitting the wrong forms, or submitting missing information to the OLGR, will significantly delay your timelines. We’ve lost count of the number of licensees we’ve helped that were caught in a bind with looming launch dates, special events and a missing liquor licence!

If you need some help ensuring your new liquor licence application is approved without delay, then have a chat with our liquor licensing QLD consultants about what you need.

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