

Victorian Liquor Licence

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Obtaining a Victorian Liquor Licence
A substantial number restaurant and café licensed businesses are opening each year – so how do you get a liquor licence? Where do you start?
The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR) issues a variety of different types of licenses. Choosing the right licence initially can save a great deal of heartache and complications to your business.
Obtaining a licence is a process that involves a number of regulatory requirements. The points below are the first few steps to consider when considering the application process and will assist to determine the right licence for you.

  1. First and foremost, does your planning permit allow you to sell liquor, or do you have a written notification that a permit is not required.
  2. Your application may require a report from a registered building surveyor detailing patron capacity.
  3. Is liquor to be sold on a permanent bases or temporarily for a one – off or a limited series of events.
  4. What is the nature of the business, what is the heart and soul of what you see your business becoming? Would it become a café, restaurant, bar or nightclub?
  5. At what hours do you want your venue to trade? Will alcohol be served to patrons after 1am?
  6. Where will the alcohol be consumed? Is the intention to have alcohol consumed on premise or taken away? Within the venue, will there be outdoor or kerbside area that is intended to be licensed?
  7. Do you intend to allow patrons to take alcohol away and / or bring their own?
  8. Are meals provided to your patrons at all hours of trade?

Answering these questions will set you on the right track for selecting the correct licence and commencing the application process. There are many licence options available through VCGLR, with the most popular being restaurant and cafés, on- premise licence, late night, BYO, one-off temporary licence, and limited licenses. There are strict requirements to be met in to be granted for a new liquor licence and selecting the right licence is critical to your application.
Interested in obtaining a liquor licence or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our licensing specialists on; (03) 9428 8595 or via email

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