

Moorebank Health Club

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DWS was engaged in partnership with specialist health and fitness development advisor Denis Pontin (RMP & Associates) to undertake a full market and feasibility study for the construction of a health club facility including a gym with aquatic and associated public areas at Moorebank in Sydney. The development of a health club represented a diversification strategy by the club that was complimentary to the existing business of a sports club. The involvement of DWS included the development of a report that incorporated:

  • Detailed background and profile of competitive health clubs in the local area.
  • Definition of the local catchment area for the proposed development.
  • Demographic and utilisation analysis of the local catchment area.
  • Assessment of a number of development options in terms of footprint, market position and development cost.
  • Liaison with Liverpool City Council to ascertain planning restrictions.
  • Financial assessment of a shortlist of two development options with and without aquatic facilities.
  • Detailed cash flow modelling of development options to ascertain return on investment and viability.

The undertaking of this assignment involved a significant amount of research and analysis into the local catchment area to comprehensively define the target market and ensure that the proposed concept was appropriately matched.

Modelling of the prospective learn-to-swim operation, which represented a significant profit centre involved a detailed assessment of the local supply of pre and primary schools as well as population growth projections for the local catchment.

‘DWS were instrumental in informing us of the cost and risk implications of which avenue we proceeded with, in particular how servicing of debt affects our existing business. Their expertise in cash flow modelling and presentation of the associated issues to our board in a meaningful way greatly assisted our internal decision-making process.’ Tracey Lentell, General Manager, Moorebank Sports Club.

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