

Directors get serious about Work Health and Safety

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Director health and safety trainingWe are seeing more and more club Directors and Committee Members joining their staff in training for a Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety. These Directors and Committee Members are taking their Work Health and Safety obligations seriously and undertaking the training in order to better understand, prioritise and make informed decisions as a result of detailed safety and audit reports.

Recently, CTA commenced training with a number of Gaythorne RSL Club Directors completing the Certificate IV in OHS qualification. These Directors are part of the Safety Committee and are completing the training alongside managers of the Club.

Directors and Committee Members have an obligation under Section 27 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to ensure they fulfil their due diligence requirements. While completing this qualification is not mandatory, it certainly assists Directors in taking a ‘reasonable step’ toward meeting their due diligence under the Act.

DWS Risk Specialists has also designed a Work Health and Safety Workshop specifically available for all Boards and Committees who wish to better understand their due diligence requirements within the scope of the new Work Health and Safety Laws and how they impact on the business operations.

If you or your Directors or Committee Members are involved in the Safety Committee or are interested in completing the Cert IV in OHS qualification contact Bill Alexion

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