

National Stronger Regions Fund grants for Not For Profit Organisations – October 2014

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To strengthen communities and drive new growth in our regions, the Australian Government is inviting applications to the National Stronger Regions Fund. The aim is to promote economic development in Australia’s regions to fund priority infrastructure in local communities. This will be $5b over 5 years, applicants can apply for $20,000 to $10m and must match dollar for dollar.

Who is eligible?

Not for profit organisations can apply as well as local government bodies.

What is eligible?

Capital projects which involve the construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade, extension or enhancement of existing infrastructure. e.g.

  • Convention centres and community or performance centres which deliver economic benefits or support increases in tourism
  • Construct large flagship or signature multi-purpose sporting facilities which generate significant long term economic and social and/or support leadership in local communities

Assessment Criteria

  1. The extent to which the project contributes to economic growth in the region
  2. The extent to which the project supports or addresses disadvantages in the region
  3. The extent to which the project increases investment and builds partnerships in the region
  4. The extent to which the project and proponent are viable and sustainable


Key Dates

Round 1

  • Opens 1 Oct14 and closes 28 Nov 14
  • Assessments will be completed 31 Mar15 and announced May15

Round 2

  • Opens 1 May 15 and closes 31 Jul 15
  • Assessments will be completed 31 Oct15 and announced Dec15

(Projects must be commenced with DA approval 6 months after grants are approved & building commenced 12 months after grant approval)


For more information:

For assistance with your grant and funding applications, please contact us on (07) 3878 9355 or

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