

Stay alert! Stay safe and well during the festive season

With the increased economic pressures being experienced across the country, pubs and clubs are unfortunately being targeted by offenders looking for a quick buck.

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With the increased economic pressures being experienced across the country, pubs and clubs are unfortunately being targeted by offenders looking for a quick buck. Armed robberies are on the news almost daily. Now is the time to emphasise situational awareness and security protocols with all staff. Some things to highlight:

  • Money handling practices are to be tightened up
  • Doors that need to be locked, are actually locked
  • Be aware of people’s behaviours and activities – ensure staff are approaching anyone acting suspiciously to make them aware that they are being monitored (this can be done in a non-confrontational way such as saying hello, have you seen our specials in the bistro etc.)

The aim is to make your venue a hard target for potential offenders with consistently alert staff, strict money protocols and tight security. Communicate the Queensland Police Service CODE-A policy to staff in the event of an armed robbery:

  • Calm – stay as calm as possible. Keep hands visible, don’t make sudden movements.
  • Obey – give the offender what they want. Money and goods are replaceable, people are not.
  • Description – try to get as much descriptive information about the offender as possible
  • Evidence – make a mental note of where the offender has been and what they have touched
  • Alarm – once the offender has left the venue, raise the alarm via 000 and to management

It’s also a traditionally busy time in hospitality land, and that means you and your staff can feel fatigued. Add in the heat of summer and people can start dropping like flies! How to prevent fatigue and maintain your wellbeing?

  • Have good sleeping habits (easier said than done – I know!)
  • Maintain good hydration and nutrition – keep the water intake up
  • Take your scheduled break
  • Check in with workmates that appear to be struggling: R U OK day is every day.
  • Implement wellbeing and exercise into your routine – find what suits you and what you enjoy so that it becomes a sustainable habit

Merry Christmas to you all – it’s been a pleasure providing safety and compliance services and information to you in 2022. See you next year. If you would like to catch up in the new year, feel welcome to give me a call on 0401 014 619 or via email on

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