

You Will Be Surprised at These Renovations!

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A renovation we have been very excited in sharing, is Club Pine Rivers.  The stars aligned for them when it came to getting the club renovation completed in an extremely timely manner.

They started their renovations in early March just as the COVID-19 situation was unfolding.  They had a reduced floor plan and had staged out the renovations for minimum impact on patrons, however within a few weeks the builders had open slather due to shutdowns.

“Our forced shutdown for COVID-19 hit at the right time, I guess you could say that the timing was pretty good”.  Steve Ratcliffe General Manager told us. 

“It was pretty good to reopen our doors with our new renovations on our Gaming Floor, Vista Lounge, Kids Room and Sports Bar.  We had the best “look what we did while we were shut” moment.

Our bowls greens did not go untouched; we have laid new greens and installed new LED lighting bringing them up to first class facilities.”

We asked Steve how the renovations have been received and he reported they are holding steady after the boom of the reopen.  Bowls numbers are up, with new members joining wanting to play on the new facilities.  Food is still a little soft, beverage is nearly even and gaming is in front.

DWS have had a long and successful partnership with Club Pine Rivers over the years, offering guidance in strategic planning and other areas of expertise during this time.  We offer a heartfelt congratulations on the renovation which will take the club forward and look forward to working with them in the future.

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