

Risk Assessment

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Our expert knowledge of the hospitality sector places us in a unique position to understand the risks associated with new and redevelopment ventures. At the concept stage, DWS can outline the potential pitfalls from an operational, market and legislative perspective that fully informs businesses. Our risk assessments address the following elements:

  • Operational assessment of risks including a review of the proposed development/feasibility plan and comparison to industry best practices.
  • Assessment of the market environment to identify competitor strategies to best place the business defensively and offensively.
  • Identification of current and prospective legislative changes that will likely impact a proposed development/renovation.
  • Discussion with local government to ascertain future threats and opportunities.
  • Development of mitigating strategies to counter threats and capitalise on opportunities.

Our exposure to a significant range of development projects has afforded us strong insight into the risks and opportunities associated with hospitality development.

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