

Actionable marketing tools to drive sales this event season

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Get your customers talking about everything you have planned for them this silly season!

As events season steadily approaches, it’s hard not to acknowledge the excitement of the season with great variety in what types of entertainment, events and experiences you are offering your customers. The good news is that the silly season can be one of the most profitable times of the year for your organisation, the bad news is that you have to work for it…and it’s not always easy! Not only are you facing competition in your local area, your business needs to adopt a range of strategies to ensure you can break through the noise and make an impact with your marketing and promotional activity. We’ve compiled our top tips to help your event break through the digital noise and get your customers talking!

Exclusivity sells!

Here is where your pre-planning efforts will really pay off. Having the ability to put your events on sale earlier than intended allows you to leverage additional campaigns to create buzz around your event, and a sense of urgency.
It’s no secret that post COVID-19, customers are leaving bookings later, rather than sooner! Implementing strategies like offering early bird pricing, early access to previous purchasers or limited time offers can drive customers to commit to making a booking.

The big question…understanding ‘the why?’

One of the first things to understand about the events your venue is hosting, is to understand the motivation behind them. Is it to provide something additional to your patrons who visit your venue frequently, are you re-engaging with lost customers, or are you trying to attract new customers?
Answering this question is key to creating a marketing plan that aligns with the overarching goals behind the event. Further, you can then determine who your key audience is for each event and adjust your delivery and communications to suit the target demographic. Don’t be afraid to ask the question!

How are you communicating with your target market?

Why rewrite it when Oprah said it so eloquently; “Great communication starts with connection.”

In the age of so much technology, an overwhelming number of platforms and increasing competition, it is so imperative to connect with your customers where they are, and at the right time.
The best place to start is by reviewing your data on your communications and social platforms and adjusting your strategy to engage with those interacting on specific platforms. For example, if your followers are a majority of 45-55+ users, perhaps that latest addition to the events calendar with your ‘Taylor Swift vs Kanye West Disco Night’ may not resonate as significantly as you were hoping with your Facebook audience.

A bit of mystery and a winning feeling!

Trialing a completely new event? Trust us, we know how scary that can be! If (amongst all the craziness of the silly season) you’re ahead of the game and all marketing materials for your new event are ready to launch, it may be worth testing the waters and creating some lead generation opportunities. This can be achieved in several ways such as publishing teaser posts, encouraging your users to engage with your organisation on digital platforms and guess what’s coming up, or the opportunity to win tickets by tagging and sharing information about your event. This is a great way to understand if your customers are excited about your event, or determine which specific customer group are who you need to be chasing and investing your resources in.

Harnessing the power of user generated content

If your event calls for a younger, tech savvy audience, you may find that asking your audience to create their own content may be more effective than driving the entire campaign single-handedly. User generated content can be a powerful marketing tool. By encouraging event attendees to share their personal, unfiltered experiences on social media using specific hashtags and tags, this is an organic way to build trust between new users and your organisation.

Investing in paid marketing, and how to know if you are spending your marketing dollars wisely.

In an ideal world, the way we communicate and market to our customers would always be successful with an organic, unpaid approach. In this era of an ever-growing digital economy and landscape, it sadly isn’t the reality. While we know that your organisation has become more visible to potential customers in the digital age, so have your competitors. Understanding your audience, the reason behind your events, and the overall why will enable you to invest wisely and market with purpose.
Investing in targeted ads on the appropriate platforms allows you to define your audience with precision at the right time can mean that your cost per click reduces, and the visibility of your event increases.

Now that you’ve done the hard work, sit back and enjoy the show with your customers! Implementing a well rounded and targeted approach to your events marketing will build buzz and excitement within your community, driving bookings and foot traffic through your venue.

Need help capturing the spirit of events season? Reach out to our Digital Marketing team via email at for more information.

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