


Our Crazy World

From John Dickson’s desk In the last two years we’ve had COVID, an acute labour shortage, a war in Ukraine creating global power issues and rapidly

Hard Times

Hard Times Call for Bloody Hard Decisions

We are all learning fast what it takes to maintain a business in difficult times.  As an industry hospitality has faced more challenges in the

Have you got a grand final team

Have You Got a Grand Final Team?

We have all enjoyed over recent weeks listening to the hype and watching the grand finals.  Some of you may wonder what makes a winning

Vaccination is good for business

Vaccination Is Good For Business

I got my first COVID jab on Monday, no problems, didn’t feel a thing, and had absolutely no reaction. However, as I was waiting my

How the Employment Wheel has Turned

I noticed this little article the other day: “In Illinois, a branch of McDonald’s has begun offering a free iPhone to employees who stay for

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