

Customer Demographic Analysis

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Customer demographic analysis or membership analysis provides a systematic way to take an in-depth look at customers and members and identify new opportunities to increase business and expand market share. DWS combine strong geotechnical abilities with ABS Census data that provides strong insight into customer and membership patterns. Our analysis includes:

  • Geocoding of members or customer addresses to derive a map view of clusters.
  • Compilation of ABS Census data for the relevant catchment area.
  • Profiling of most profitable customers and associated demographic characteristics.
  • Identification of non-core customer and member base to identify prospective opportunity.
  • Segmentation of customers and members within a local catchment area.

DWS incorporates customer and membership geocoding into our analysis. This gives organisations the ability to attach GPS locations to customer addresses giving location intelligence. The DWS customer and membership analysis process allows organisations to identify the most profitable customers along with their demographics such as age profile, income, family structure and occupation. This information can be used to optimise marketing resources.

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