

Tigers, Rats, COVID…oh my

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It is Lunar New Year and the Year of the Tiger. How appropriate that the tiger is commonly associated with values of strength, bravery and courage – all values that have been tested over and over again in the last 2 years. No doubt this year will bring its own brand of challenges – and it sure has started that way!

RATs are on everyone’s minds – thankfully (hopefully!) not the rodent kind but the more elusive and harder to find Rapid Antigen Tests. This lack of supply has been a constant source of frustration and stress to many. There does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel, with supply predicted to improve in February.

The COVID close contact and isolation rules continue to be fluid and ever-changing, causing confusion almost on a daily basis. My advice is to keep an eye on the COVID website in your state to monitor the current definitions and apply them to your operations.
All of these challenges and more will continue to be thrown in our path this year.

So how do we set ourselves and our teams up to keep facing the challenges thrown in our path from COVID as it continues into the third year? How do we get to the end of 2022 with a healthy mind, body and spirit? It all starts with YOU. You can’t help your team, community or business with an empty life bucket. Your bucket represents your mental, emotional and physical health. An empty, damaged or leaking bucket cannot provide any benefit to yourself or those around you.

Let’s have a quick look at some strategies to fill your bucket.

Move – take a walk, find exercise options that you love doing.

Talk – talk to your partner, your friends, to a professional counsellor. Verbalising what’s going on in your head can often clarify the static and chatter going on up there.

Give back – whether this is donating money or time to a charitable cause, volunteering opportunities or just finding ways of spreading kindness in daily life.

Reflect – meditate (I use the Calm app), listen to podcasts, write in a journal

Plan – planning is a big help to maintain control, clarity and drive. From weekly meal plans, annual safety and compliance plans to 5-year strategic planning, this can take a huge mental burden off you on a day-to-day basis.

Rest – often a challenge but super important to prioritise.

All the best for 2022 – I wish you the strength, bravery and courage of a tiger for a safe and prosperous year.

Michelle Pitman | Work Health Safety & Compliance Advisor | 0401 014 619

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